I’m super excited to launch our new 5-week study and dive into the lessons on life and leadership from the book of Nehemiah!

If you know anything about the story of Nehemiah, you know this is one of the greatest leadership books in the Bible. Over and again, Nehemiah demonstrates the qualities and character of an outstanding leader. One who understood the importance of both prayer AND planning, worked for a strict boss, faced overwhelming odds, organized a group of demoralized people and dealt with criticism and ridicule.

Plus, we’ll be sharing details about a prayer campaign that will take us through the end of 2022 and plan to use these nights to give updates and details for how we are building. Think these are going to be special!

Over the coming weeks and months we will slowly increase serving opportunities but the focus for now is on gathering and growing together. These nights are open to all, so bring someone with you!

If you want to get a jump on the night, you can read Nehemiah chapters 1 & 2. Bring your Bible and a notebook and we will see you tomorrow night!


- J

Seasons Church